Tuesday, December 15, 2009

KT-22 Spins for 2009-2010 Season!

The Northern Sierras has been getting pounded with snowfall for the past week. A total of 73 inches has fallen at Squaw Valley USA. After countless hours of snow removal for the past week, I finally decided it was time to take advantage of my new Squaw Valley season pass. Like many other opportunistic individuals, I took advantage of the early season season pass offered by Squaw this summer for the low $369.00 price tag. This pass was just too good a deal to pass up as regular all day adult lift tickets carry the price tag of $83.00! Do the simple math right there & the purchase of the pass pays for itself in just 4 all day tickets.
Many phone calls were made in the morning asking team riders where they were planning to ride. I was able to rally Brendon Drury and Alex Horgan to the cause. Brendon arrived 1st and had to settle his pass situation and I couldn't wait so I decided to do a hot lap up Red dog while he worked his mojo with the pass office. Brendon for sure was blowing it. It really didn't matter at that point as the KT chair was not yet confirmed to open. I did have a feeling it was going to happen as I was on the Red Dog Chair i noticed for a brief minute the KT chair started to churn for a second and I heard a few "hoots" off in the distance. Really?! Could this be happening?! After my quick run down the Dog, I met up with Drury and we bro'd down heavy as the rumor was confirmed...they we're going to crack KT around noon! We decided to take a few laps on Exhibition as to keep a close eye on the KT situation. At 10:30 am, there was a small pack of people already waiting to get the goods on KT. However not enough, to justify us waiting while the day was beautiful and sunny so we decided to take a few more laps. In hindsight there was no regrets with that move, but after just 2 short runs, the like at KT was filling up fast & stacking pretty deep.
Alex finally showed up & it was time to stand in line & get ready. Everywhere you looked you saw smiles from ear to ear in anticipation of he 1st true Pow run of the season. Not to mention it was about to take place on the famed KT, with blue skies on a beautiful mid December day. The thing I love about standing in line on the 1st official Pow day is all the familiar faces you see in line. Old friends that you haven't seen in a while always make it out on days like that. Former PortersTahoe employees Chris Doyle & Alex were in the line up as we caught up on current events. Our Norther California 32 & Airblaster sales rep Eric Wallis was in the lineup as well and as excited and stoked as can be. The Chair finally cracked & it was game on!
Once again, if its on, IT"S ON!

Horgan and I got a chair together & once we downloaded, rushed for our zone of choice and made some great turns. The snow was perfect! I must have waxed just right cause my board felt like a magic carpet. I was riding my LibTech TRS 159 while Horgan was on his Ride DH2. Both perfect boards for the situation having rockered cambers. We nailed slash after slash & pillow after pillow.....Oh damn it was good! DAMN GOOD! After the gut of KT was pretty much tracked, we decided to go up the Funitel and check out the upper mountain. It was also a great time to rest our legs and get to know an older gentleman who has been skiing Squaw since 1972, Dan Kiley. He gave us some past insight to some of his skiing and drinking adventures. I love meeting people like this as they share the same stoke as all of us avid snowboarders & skiers. This guy is 66 years old, fit as can be, and having the time of his life...I hope to be doing the same.
After the ride up, we noticed that we should head over to the saddle to finish out the day. There was still some untouched snow & pillow lines to be had. When we got down in there, I decided to stay behind and snap some shots as I noticed a herd of skiers getting aggro and dropping some questionable lines. They made it out alive & were happy as can be. What more do I have to say...wish you could have been there!
Another note....don't blow it like Drury, his pass situation was still in question as the day ended I finally saw him out in the saddle zone with Andrew Irwin, "Krizzler" & Sammy Lubke. Don't blow the early part of the day cause you don't have your pass lined up.

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